Letter to Ontario School Board Local Presidents re Central Bargaining Survey
Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU) Bargaining Survey for School Board Workers:
Central Collective Agreement negotiations, 2019
To all presidents of CUPE school board locals in Ontario
The Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU) bargaining committee is in the process of developing bargaining priorities for the next round of central bargaining. Part of that process involves sending a bargaining survey to members to find out their priorities. The survey is being designed to make it possible to segregate information for each local so that locals will have information about their members responses.
We are asking local presidents to distribute the survey to their members. The survey can be submitted electronically at http://surveys.cupe.ca/index.php/344419?lang=en. Where possible, please email the survey link to members. We recognize that not all members will be able to submit the survey online, therefore we are also sending you a printable version of the survey that you can make available to your members.
Locals are asked to email the survey to members by June 11 so that they can complete the survey online. For those members who choose not to submit the survey online, we ask locals to print hard copies of the survey for members. Paper versions of the survey can be submitted in one of three ways:
- Volunteers in the local can input the paper-copy responses into the online system at http://surveys.cupe.ca/index.php/344419?lang=en, or;
- Locals can scan all of the paper copy responses into a single PDF document and email them todcrow@cupe.ca, or;
- Locals can collect the paper-copy surveys and submit them to their National Representative, who can arrange to have the surveys scanned and emailed todcrow@cupe.ca
Please ask your members to submit responses to this survey no later than Monday, June 25, 2018.
Once all surveys are collected the OSBCU bargaining committee will analyse the responses to help develop a draft working document of bargaining priorities. Per the OSBCU by-laws, that working document will be shared with locals in September (2 months prior to the Bargaining Conference). Once we receive feedback from locals on that draft working document we will revise it for presentation at the Bargaining Conference (November 3-4, 2018).
In solidarity,
OSBCU Bargaining Committee